The Manor House from 1665 between fjord, glacier, mountains and waterfalls

Home Packages


To make it as easy as possible for you to book your Rosendal Chamber Music Festival experience, we have put together various packages consisting of tickets for all events in a given time period. Our cooperation with Rosendal Turisthotell and Rosendal Fjordhotell also makes it possible to combine your festival experience with accommodation in Rosendal. On this page you will find a description of all packages available for the 2023 festival. The Baroniet Home Farm and Fruehuset is fully booked during the festival. Thus, all accommodation for our guests will be in cooperation with Rosendal Turisthotell and Rosendal Fjordhotell.

Buy festival packages here

Click on the buttons below to buy your preferred ticket package or read more about the options below.

Every package is connected to a spesific section of The Grat Hall, as shown in the picture on the right. Festival passes and festival packages can be bought by choosing blue seats, day packages yellow seats, individual tickets green seats, and Accessible concert ticket including companion purple seats. When buying a package, it is important that you choose a seat in the correct section, otherwise the package will no appear as an option.


Rosendal Kammermusikkfestival 2025

Rosendal Kammermusikkfestival 2025

Festival pass without accommodation

If you want to experience all events during this year’s festival and don’t need/have already sorted your accommodation, this is the perfect package for you. Buying this package, provides you with a festival pass including entrance to all events during the festival, from the opening Wednesday, throughout the last concert Sunday.

In addition to a festival pass, this package includes free entrance to the Art Exhibition, Manor House and Rosendal Gardens throughout your stay, as well as the art exhibition catalogue and festival programme.

Festival package with accommodation at Rosendal Fjordhotell

Through our great cooperation with Rosendal Fjordhotell, this package gives you the opportunity of attending all events during this year’s festival in combination with a wonderful stay at Rosendal Turisthotell.

With this package, you can choose between a double room and a single room at Rosendal Fjordhotell. All rooms have separate beds pushed together, and are equipped with a bathroom with a toilet and a shower. Accommodation at Rosendal Fjordhotell includes a breakfast buffet Thursday-Sunday, as well as a dinner buffet Wednesday-Saturday at the hotel’s restaurant.

This package includes entrance to all events during the festival. In addition to accommodation and festival pass, this package includes free entrance to the Art Exhibition, Manor House and Rosendal Gardens throughout your stay, as well as the art exhibition catalogue and festival programme.

Rosendal Fjordhotell is situated at the mouth of the Hardangerfjord and surrounded by majestic mountains and beautiful landscapes. The hotel is in close distance to the Barony and The Great Hall (1,3 km). Read more about Rosendal Fjordhotell.

Rosendal Fjordhotell

Day packages with accommodation at Rosendal Fjordhotell

If you are not able to join us for the entire festival but would like to take attend all events over a shorter period, combined with a one-night stay at Rosendal Fjordhotell, these packages are perfect for you.

In addition to accommodation and tickets, this package includes free entrance to the Art Exhibition, Manor House and Rosendal Gardens throughout your stay, as well as the art exhibition catalogue and festival programme.

Map – Concert Venues and Accommodation


Both Rosendal Turisthotell and Rosendal Fjordhotell is situated in close proximity to all festival venues. The map on the right hand side depicts the locations of all concert venues and both hotels, and a visualisation of the distance between them. If you are arriving to concerts in The Great Hall by car, you will also find the location of our parking lot.